FRESh LIFE (LIFE14/IT000414) – Demonstrating Remote Sensing integration in sustainable forest management

LIFE AgroClimaWater (LIFE 14 CCA/ GR/ 000389) – Promoting water efficiency and supporting the shift towards a climate resilient agriculture in Mediterranean countries

LIFE CLIMATREE (LIFE14 CCM/GR/000635) - A novel approach for accounting & monitoring carbon sequestration of tree crops and their potential as carbon sink areas

LIFE AForClimate (LIFE 15 CCA IT/000089) – to provide concrete options to achieve solutions in forestry and forest planning that are effective in adapting to climate change

Life MediNet (LIFE 15 PRE IT/732295)- Mediterranean Network for Reporting Emissions and Removals in Cropland and Grassland

Life Desert Adapt (LIFE16 CCA/IT/000011)- Preparing desertification areas for increased climate change