OLIVE4CLIMATE’s partners will hold various information events and workshops on sustainable olive oil production for researchers, olive farmers and olive oil producers.
Feel free to contact us for more details and subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed on upcoming events in your region.
On March 15th the O4C project was presented at the webinar “I PAESAGGI OLIVICOLI ITALIANI – biodiversi e identitari”
On the #NationalLandscapeDay, CONAF dedicates an appointment to one of the most distinctive agricultural combinations: the olive tree and the landscape. More than 400 people attended the webinar!

On December 15th the OLIVE4CLIMATE project took part on the webinar “The future CAP and the objectives of the Green Deal: good practices and innovative solutions of LIFE projects “

The Olive4Climate team took part at the PANDOLEA INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE. Below the link with the program:
Find the presentation in the website ‘public library’!
Now available!
Slides of OLIVE4CLIMATE final conference are available on ‘public library’ page of our web-site.
3 December 2019
Final Conference
Perugia, Italy
The final conference of OLIVE4CLIMATE project was held in Perugia on December 3rd, 2019 at the Aula Magna of the Magnificent Complesso Monumentale di San Pietro, attended by all partners. Through presentation of all final results and intense debates, participants discussed the challenges and opportunities of sustainable olive oil production. On facebook the photogallery containing the salient phases of the day and soon you can download the materials presented during the conference. Layman’s report already available on “public library” in italian and english version.
Thank you all for active partecipation!

Now available!
DEFINITIVE programme of OLIVE4CLIMATE final conference is here!
Olive4Climate Final Conference – detailed programme now available!
It takes place on December 3rd, 2019 at the Aula Magna of the Magnificent Complesso Monumentale di San Pietro – Via Borgo XX Giugno, 74 Perugia
This promises to be an interesting and engaging event, which will provide a space for policy-makers, professional farmers, olive oil productors, academics and general public to discuss issues and solutions around Olive4Climate project.
Please check and download from here the detailed programme:
31 October 2019
Local infoday
Tel Hai College, Israel
OLIVE4Climate local infoday continue to be organized by partners. The last training took place in Tel Hai College, Israel, during the Course in Biology of olives.

12 October 2019
infoday at Castelmuzio Trequanda (Siena)
New info-day in Italy in Castelmuzio Trequanda (Siena): UNIPG met technicians to discuss about “Climate change throught the development of a sustainable olive oil supply chain”.
Now available!
Last year the Greek partner had presented the O4C project at the conference “Life Program and the Agricultural Sector in Greece”. Following this Conference, the Green Fund started the preparation of a guide with a summary of good practices and results that is expected to be used by the Ministry of Rural Development and the Ministry of Environment. After collaboration with the Green Fund were provided all the requested information and this guide is now available.
The LIFE Greek Task Force “Establishment and Functioning of the Greek Task Force for the LIFE Program” (GR LTF – LIFE14 CAP / GR / 000003) selected OLIVE4Climate to be the September Life project of the month:
21 August 2019
infoday at Kibutz Magal, Israel
First info day for olive farmers in northen Israel. The course is 6 weeks long with invited lectures. Giora Ben Ari of IPSTVC was one of the lectures, talking about Israeli researches in olive growing

4 August 2019
Livadeia, Greece
By the beginning of August was organized another local info day in Greece, giving to interesting people the opportunity to learn more about O4Climate project

26 July 2019
Panaigialeios Union, Greece
By the end of July was organized another local info day in Greece. It was an interactive event where the national contact person presented the project, creating a new network of people.

1 July 2019
Agrinio, Greece
A new info day took place in Greece to inform Greek technician about Olive4climate project and results. The Info Day is an opportunity not to be missed!

17-20 June 2019
Matera, Italy
OLIVE4Climate researchers during the 4 days of Congress “IX International Symposium on Irrigation of Horticultural Crops” reviewing with other scientists and technicians current research trend, presenting new discovering and making plans for future.

17-20 June 2019
Matera, Italy
The results of OLIVE4Climate will be presented by the University of Perugia-Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences and National Research Council – Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources, at “IX Symposium On Irrigation of Horticultural Crops” with the abstract “Tolerance of different olive cultivars to salt stress”

20-22 May 2019
Montpellier, France
The 4th World Congress on Agroforestry in Montpellier was a wonderful occasion for OLIVE4Climate to show the project results. During the event high level keynote speakers, including scientists, decision-makers and top-level politicians shared their views with the attendees

20-22 May 2019
Montpellier, France
The results of OLIVE4Climate will be presented by Mr. Antonio Brunori and Mr. Tommaso La Mantia at 4th World Congress on Agroforestry. The project have been selected as host for the Congress which will be held next week in Montpellier.
For further information see the book of abstract:
OLIVE4Climate project has shown success in its use of website. More information about this can be found on Environment Life programme site:
30 March 2019
Assisi (PG), Italy
A new local info day on the occasion of FAI “Oil Day event”. For more information about the event please head to
29 March 2019
Bastia Umbra (PG), Italy
At Agriumbria – the national fair dedicated to agricolture, zootechnics and alimentation- a local info day took place on March 26th.
Click here for the event Program. AGRIUMBRIA 2019.
26 March 2019
Perugia, Italy
A local info day was organized at the University of Perugia (Aula Magna – DSA3 Department) to talk about how olive agricultural sector can contribute to climate change mitigation.

3 December 2018
Rome, Italy
The annual meeting took place in Rome at UNAPROL headquarter. All partners met to discuss the progress of the OLIVE4climate project.

4 November 2018
Trevi (PG), Italy
A new info day of OLIVE4climate project took place during the event Festivol 2018, in Trevi.
Click here for the event Program. FESTIVOL 2019
3 September 2018
Rome, Italy
A local info day took place at the headquarter of UNAPROL in e learning modality. Technician and farmers of 10 Italian regions were connected to talk about how to reduce the environmental impatc of the olive oil production chain.
Click here for the event Program. Rome 3 September 2018
Now available!
OLIVE4CLIMATE handbook soon in Public Library for download
Visit our public library and download the Handbook
Press Release:
OLIVE4CLIMATE handbook soon in Public Library for download
Olive growing as an effective tool for mitigating climate change
20 February 2018
Perugia, Italy
The second monitoring visit took place at dsa3 Università degli Studi di Perugia, Italy. In the afternoon, the partners and the monitor of the project visited olive farm “Sorelle Zappelli Cardarelli” in Trevi.

1-4 February 2018
Thessaloniki, Greece
OLIVE4Climate will participate in the AGROTICA 2018 “27th International Fair for Agricultural Machinery, Equipment & Supplies“ in Thessaloniki, Greece. For more information about the Fair please head to
13 December 2017
Perugia, Italy
OLIVE4CLIMATE did a networking activity with delegations from Cipro and Greece and two members of the Italian Environmental Ministry, Dott.ssa Stefania Betti and Dott. Federico Benvenuti.
In this activity, the staff from SUNLIFE and OLIVE4CLIMATE presented about their activities and afterwards the delegation and the OLIVE4CLIMATE group left for Trevi in order to visit the stakeholder farm “Sorelle Zappelli Cardarelli”.

4-5 December 2017
Lisbon, Portugal
OLIVE4CLIMATE is a guest in a two-days meeting of MediNet Life Project in Lisbon “MediNet Participatory Workshop on Activity Data and Biomass Emission Factors for Cropland”.
20 September 2017
The annual meeting took place in Perugia, Italy. The OLIVE4CLIMATE partners presented all the progress achieved since the last meeting.

19 January 2017
Perugia, Italy
The first monitoring meeting of OLIVE4CLIMATE took place in Perugia, Italy. The partners will present the progress achieved in the last months, after the start of the project in July.
Stay informed with our newsletter
OLIVE4CLIMATE – LIFE prepares a 6-monthly newsletter to keep you up to date with the project developments and achievements. We will inform you about the ongoing tests, past and future training and dissemination events, and other news related to the project.